Need Portrait mode / rotation capabiity while connected to Android phone via USB C

Discussion in 'XtendTouch' started by Bob Teffenhart, Apr 10, 2021.

  1. Bob Teffenhart

    Bob Teffenhart New Member

    I cannot get the xtendTouch display to rotate to Portriat mode when my phone is in portrait mode. the extend touch is always in landscape mode.

    I bought this monitor to display Music scores in portrait pdf format from my android phone. not working. please help. I saw some thread about having to Root my phone to do this. Is this true? is this the only way to display in rotated portrait mode?

    Please help?
  2. Support

    Support Administrator

    Unlike Windows 10, Android does not have a built-in switch to change the orientation of the display.

    This is the problem.
  3. Dennis_

    Dennis_ New Member

    This actually isn't impossible, if you consult the quick set up guide you will see there are options to rotate the display. It is easy to do, just be sure to rotate in both locations in order for the buttons and screen to be aligned - otherwise the placement of the buttons on the screen will remain in one oreintation while the screen is in another.